Tacking Point Public School celebrated Education Week with their annual cross country carnival.
The school merged their K-2 to and 3 to 6 carnival and had a wonderful morning of sportsmanship, encouragement and a glimpse of normality.
All 715 children participated in the carnival and were all dressed in their house colours earning much-needed points towards the winning house which was announced in a very brief assembly at the end of the carnival.
School principal Phil Harris said it was wonderful to hear the laughter and cheering of the children and to experience a bit of normality in daily school life, which has not been the case in schools in these ‘unprecedented times’.
Mr Harris said the carnival was a wonderful celebration of sportsmanship and marked the commencement of Education Week in a positive in a rewarding way.
The course was modified to take into account COVID protocols with the major absence of parents and community members to assist in the day and also see their children running.
Numerous photos were taken with an iMovie created so parents could see the joy all children had in participating in the cross country carnival this year.
The school celebrated Education Week with its annual school photos, the filming of a virtual tour, the cross country iMovie and another iMovie showcasing life in all 27 classrooms at the school.
Mr Harris wanted to thank his staff for their constant gift of time, their commitment to the children under their care and for their resilience with everything that has happened in 2020.
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